Why TAB Contracts Alone Aren’t Enough

At StrucSure Home Warranty, we understand that you take great pride in the homes you build and go to great lengths to ensure the structural integrity of every home you build. However, the reality is that there are challenges that are beyond your control, and these can lead to unexpected and costly consequences. That’s why we’re here to emphasize the importance of third-party structural warranty coverage for Texas homebuilders.

The Reality of Structural Repairs

Average Cost: $100,000

It’s no secret that Texas faces unique challenges when it comes to soil conditions and their impact on home foundations. Despite your best efforts to build strong, well-designed, and stable foundations, the reality is that they can still fail due to the active soils in our state, and other factors beyond your control. When this happens, the financial burden can be substantial. The average cost of a foundation repair in Texas is a staggering $100,000, excluding legal expenses and cosmetic repairs related to a structural failure claim. Such an unexpected cost can put a significant strain on your business, potentially jeopardizing your hard-earned reputation and financial stability.

The Limitations of TAB Contracts
While you may believe utilizing Texas Association of Builders (TAB) contracts provides sufficient risk management, it’s essential to recognize that the protection of these contracts only go so far.  To ensure your homebuilding business is safeguarded against expensive claims and potential litigation due to unforeseen foundation problems, it’s imperative to have additional third-party structural warranty coverage.

Third-party structural warranty coverage is designed to provide you with a safety net when you need it most. Most structural claims occur in years four to eight. In the event of a structural claim, with third-party coverage from StrucSure, we step in to protect you from the expense of hiring engineers to investigate, take the burden off of you and your staff to manage the mediation and arbitration process, and make any necessary repairs including cosmetic damages related to the failure. By investing in third-party coverage, you can:

  • Mitigate Financial Risks: With third-party structural warranty coverage, you won’t have to bear the brunt of the $100,000 average cost of foundation repairs. If a major structural defect occurs within the 10-year warranty term, it will be repaired, replaced, or paid for by StrucSure Home Warranty, ensuring your business remains financially sound.
  • Enhance Your Reputation: Offering structural warranty coverage as part of your homebuilding services demonstrates your commitment to quality and offers peace of mind for your clients. It’s a powerful selling point that can set you apart from the competition and boost your reputation.
  • Protect Your Long-Term Success: A single structural failure can have far-reaching consequences for your business. Third-party coverage is your safety net, allowing you to keep your focus on what you do best: building exceptional homes, while leaving the financial risks to the experts.

Secure the future of your homebuilding business by protecting every home you build with third-party structural warranty coverage. Our dedicated team of sales and customer service representatives are here to provide you with all the information you need to make an informed decision and guide you through the warranty process.

Safeguard and secure a brighter future for your homebuilding business with third-party structural warranty coverage from StrucSure Home Warranty.

Third-Party Warranty Coverage: Another Arrow in Your Risk Management Quiver